Chabad Soup Kistchen
A lifeline for Europe’s poorest Jewish community
Our mission is simple and it’s impact is powerful: to feed Moldova’s impoverished Jewish community. Chabad Soup Kitchen is the main source of nutritious kosher foods for hundreds of households. We provide hot meals and groceries for those in need, give them hope and show that they’re not alone.
Your partnership with us will relieve the very real and crushing poverty of the remnants of one of Europe’s oldest Jewish communities.
While many have been able to emigrate to Israel and other parts of Europe, those left behind in Kishinev remain trapped in a part of Europe ravaged by war and then crushed in the cogs of Soviet oppression. While Moldova is slowly lurching into the 21st century, the country lags far behind the rest of Europe in healthcare, housing and the economy is still in shambles.
Be a partner in our life saving work and give the gift of a meal and a smile to the Jews of Moldova.

About Us
Moldova is an impoverished republic with a wealth of history. It’s Jewish community was once one of the most vibrant in the world. This once-thriving community severely depleted through the scourge of the Holocaust, decades of Communist repression and youth emigration.
Chabad Soup Kitchen was founded in 1990, during the early years of post-Soviet political and economic turmoil, undertaking the fundamental mission of supporting the welfare of the Moldova’s long-downtrodden Jewish community as the only way of life they knew disappeared around them.

Soup Kitchen
A dedicated kitchen that prepares and delivers hot meals every day to the elderly and needy who visit the center.

Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels program that delivers cooked dishes to those who are homebound or isolated.

Food Drives around Moldova
Chabad Moldova distributes food packages to 18 communities across Moldova to help them meet their basic food needs.
Contact Us
Get in Touch
Chabad Soup Kitchen
of Moldova
8 Chabad Lubavitch Street, Kishinev, Moldova 2009
US office: 478 Albany Ave Suite #212
Brooklyn, NY 11203