Thousands of Jews were exposed to the holiday, and to the meaning of Chanukah. The Republic of Moldova was shining with the beautiful lights of the Chanukah Menorahs.
More than twenty events took place all over the country, in the cities of Belts, Bender, Tiraspol and the capital city, Kishinev. Programs for adults, students and children took place. Senior homes and offices were visited. Thousands of doughnuts and hundreds of Menorahs were distributed by the Menorah lightings. This was all coordinated through the young Chabad Shluchim, under the guidance of Rabbi Mendy and Chaya Mushka Akselrod. The public menorah lit by Chief Rabbi of Moldova, Yosef Abelsky.
We were able to light many dark corners in Moldova in places we didn’t reach for a while. Concludes Rabbi Axelrod.